Site Tools


Block Quote Plugin

The blockquote plugin creates semantically correct quotes by using the blockquote XHTML tag. In contrast to the default wiki markup for quoting, the content of the quote can contain any wiki markup which then gets interpreted as it would outside of the quote environment. Thus, also nested quotes are possible.


The plugin provides two additional pairs of markup tags, the blockquote and the cite markup. The blockquote allows an additional citation source to be given after the blockquote keyword in the opening tag. The cite markup was mainly created to allow the addition of more complex citation sources (including links, text formatting etc) inside the blockquote environment, although it can also be used standalone. See the examples below.


Loads of markup

The following code

Test with loads of markup...

Another paragraph with a little [[http://nowhere|link]] to nowhere. Oh, and while we are at it, what about some **bold**, some //italic// and some __underlined__ text? And finally, an itemization:

  * item 1
    * item 1.1
    * item 1.2
  * item 2
    - ordered item 2.1
    - ordered item 2.2
      - ordered item 2.2.1
  * item 3

Works :-)

results in

Test with loads of markup…

Another paragraph with a little link to nowhere. Oh, and while we are at it, what about some bold, some italic and some underlined text? And finally, an itemization:

  • item 1
    • item 1.1
    • item 1.2
  • item 2
    1. ordered item 2.1
    2. ordered item 2.2
      1. ordered item 2.2.1
  • item 3

Works :-)

The cite attribute

The following code

<blockquote J. Random Hacker>Test with a cite attribute...</blockquote>

results in

Test with a cite attribute…

The cite command

The following code

<blockquote>Test with a cite command...<cite>J. Random Hacker, [[http://localhost/~jrhacker]]</cite></blockquote>

results in

Test with a cite command…J. Random Hacker, http://localhost/~jrhacker

wiki/pluginsyntax/blockquote.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/28 22:29 by

Copyright © Alan Shea, 2011-2025