======Backup with FreeFileSync=== {{ :user:alan-shea:ffs-compare-review.png?direct&400|}} Using [[https://freefilesync.org/download.php|FreeFileSync]] for making external backups. For basic usage, see the [[https://freefilesync.org/manual.php|FreeFileSync QuickStart]]. Short [[https://freefilesync.org/tutorials.php|video tutorials]] are also available, covering the majority of common use cases. ---- - Plug in external hard drive - Open //**FreeFileSync**// - Click on first config in left panel((**''8''** in the image)): **''Docs & Email''** - Click ''Compare'' - Review Sync selections ((**''10''** in the image))\\ Pay special attention to:((See examples in the top screenshot)) - //Blue arrows//, indicating items to be restored - //Trashcans//, indicating items to be deleted - //Yellow arrows// showing items that have changed on both sides since last sync - If there are unexpected deletes or restores, hover over the center column and select an appropriate action: ignore, copy left, copy right, or delete. - If you click ''Compare'' again, the changes you have made will be reset - Click ''Synchronize'' - Click on next config: **''Pictures & Videos''** - Click ''Compare'' - Review Sync as above - Click ''Synchronize'' - Close //**FreeFileSync**// - Eject the External Hard Drive - Put hard drive back in fire safe [[https://freefilesync.org/manual.php|{{:user:alan-shea:ffs_main-window.png?nolink&600|}}]]