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Nehemiah Study One

Nehemiah 1.1-11

The Jews in Jerusalem had experienced a spiritual revival under Haggai's leadership when the temple was rebuilt, and another when Ezra arrived, but the city had fallen further into disrepair. With walls broken down and gates burned, the city was defenseless to attacks by an enemy and therefor, was viewed as having a god who was not strong enough to protect them. Not only were the people suffering, the reputation of the God of Israel was greatly tarnished.

  1. Nehemiah's Grief — Nehemiah 1.1-4
    1. Why was he so distraught over conditions relating to people he probably did not know?
    2. What does this say about the importance of “community” for the people of God?
    3. Note the verbs in verse 4: What do these tell us about the man, Nehemiah?
  2. Nehemiah's Prayer — Nehemiah 1.5-11a
    1. What does he think/know about his God?
    2. What is the purpose of confessing the sins that were committed by others?
    3. Are there any lessons for us today in this type of prayer?
    4. What is the purpose or value of reminding God of his promises?
  3. Nehemiah's Petition – Nehemiah 1.11b
    1. What, exactly, was he asking God to do?
    2. What keeps this from being a selfish position?

List some lessons that we can learn from this passage of Scripture:

nehemiah/study01.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/28 22:29 by

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