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Nehemiah Study Two

Nehemiah 2.1-10

Although a cupbearer was very close to the king, he was still a servant and was never to allow negative emotions to show as it may suggest dissatisfaction with the king, which could result in death. When Nehemiah enters the presence of the king, it has been four months since he first learned of the problem.

  1. The Encounter With the King — Nehemiah 2.1-2
    1. How would you describe this encounter? What does it tell you about the king, about Nehemiah, and about God?
  2. The Response To the King — Nehemiah 2.3
    1. What did Nehemiah tell the king about what was troubling him?
    2. What did he not tell the king about what was troubling him?
    3. Why, do you suppose, that he left out so much relevant information?
  3. The Response Of the King — Nehemiah 2.4 \\The king's response was so open and, apparently, generous that Nehemiah had to pray about the answer to his question.
    1. What do you think Nehemiah's prayer might have included?
  4. The Requests Of the King – Nehemiah 2.5-10 \\Read through this portion and fill in the blanks.
    1. Three requests: Nehemiah 2.5, 7, 8a
    2. Three responses: Nehemiah 2.6, 8b
  5. What does it take “for the good hand of God” to be on someone?
  6. What do we learn about God in these verses?
  7. Why would Sanballat and Tobiah be so displeased?
nehemiah/study02.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/28 22:29 by

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